Welcome all Boston Medical Center employees!

HPI is proud to be a Harvard Pilgrim company and partner to BMC.

Welcome all BMC employees to our family! Your health is our top priority. 

Log in to My Planlock.pnglock.png
Your Plan Optionsmagnifyingglass.pngmagnifyingglass.png

Learn about your medical plan options.

Provider Directorynurse.pngnurse.png

Find a provider in your network.

Forms and Resourceswrench.pngwrench.pngwrench.png

Order an ID card and download important forms.

Discounts & Savingsdollarsign.pngdollarsign.pngdollarsign.png

Great discounts on many health-related products and services.

Health and Wellnessrunningman.pngrunningman.pngrunningman.png

Personalized programs and tools to support your well being.